We put passion in every event, enthusiasm for every detail and continuous work in direct line with our clients. We like to innovate and integrate all necessary services for the proper functioning of an event, from the smallest detail to the most important. Let yourself be surprised by the event of your dreams.
Our main challenge in an incentive trip is to transform the experience into a tool to achieve important objectives such as increasing your sales or motivating the key people in your company. In InOut we know the demands of this type of event and we know how to help you meet the challenge. For this we make an analysis of your needs and we see the resources you must take advantage of each element and get the best results by achieving what guests can never reach if they travel in private. The key is to create unforgettable experiences that leave special and unique moments in their retina.
All commercial, sales, marketing or HR machinery is launched with a convention, one of the most important elements for generating sales in a company. For this reason, choosing the best environment and providing it with the best content is vital and should be the object of the most professional attention. The goal is to ensure that the time that people spend attending a convention is justified and the return is the most appropriate. All parties play and should know how to combine: the environment, the headquarters, the technological capabilities that are displayed in a convention, as well as other needs (catering, animation, creation of work and rest environment, etc.). Each convention has an objective and the exact and correct combination of all the elements will be the ones that determine the success and the achievement of the objectives of the event.
When you bring together professionals from the same industry to discuss, study and research in a specific field during a congress, you are creating one of the most serious and professional events that can be launched. But it is not enough to bring them together. It is necessary to know how to generate the favourable environment for the debate, to promote networking, the exchange of knowledge. We can also help with previous work: creation of committees for the selection of speakers, implementation of a program for professional activities, design of the congress agenda, parallel actions and recreational programs, activities for companions or leisure, etc.
In Out likes to create experiences. Any element of reward and motivation is necessary, according to our point of view, for your company to go smoothly. We manage experiences of all kinds, from a day tour to an exclusive and unique typical Spanish activity, where your employees relax and enjoy with the team. To do this we put at your disposal, once again, a wide spectrum of possibilities for you to choose the one that best suits your specific needs. We can create many tailor-made unforgettable experiences, fun days where your team can enjoy in a different environment to the daily work.
Each event requires its own planning, designed from the conception of the idea, through its development, evolution and staging to achieve the greatest success among our customers. It could be a party, an inauguration, a reopening, a social event or a gala of recognition for employees, we know how to create a unique concept, different and aligned with your goal. From the initial design, the evolution of the concept and the objective, the needs of production, location, etc. Everything will be coordinated and synchronized by us so you can host that special event that you have in mind for your guests, customers or employees.
Companies are increasingly considering the importance of offering training to their employees. These types of meetings help to improve the teams, qualify and update their employees even more and retain the worker, creating a more powerful bond. For this, our InOut team is responsible for organizing your training actions by selecting the best possible space so that it is comfortable to transmit the desired knowledge and skills, taking care of both the material and the time of the event with a special delicacy and attention.
We take care of creating and developing the creative concept of the event: from communication, RRSS, 3D design, etc. Starting from an initial idea we build the entire imaginary of the event, giving a unique and final meaning to what you want to convey.
We help you to give a thread to your event, an aroma that guides your guests and gives a differentiating halo to the whole event.
We build custom staging, with that infallible Wow! Effect guaranteed in each of our spectacular assemblies.
Lights, cameras, and lots of action. Our in-house technicians will dedicate their time and effort so that you have the best and most incredible light and sound effects, from branded lights to the clear and powerful sound you need.
We have a department specialized in Web Development, being able to create native apps and web apps adapted to each event, in a totally personalized way.
Our Project Managers will guide you at every step of the event, having a direct line with them for any service you request, making the client-agent relationship something fluid and dynamic.
Exclusive locations, modern spaces and a wide range of options for you to choose the perfect environment for your event.
As important as the place or the food is the human team behind: security, cleaning, hostesses, and a whole group specialized in facilitating work and that everything can go smoothly.
European 4life Convention
Palacio de Congresos, Valencia. (14-16 Feb 2019)
Rebranding event
Madrid. (15-16 Nov 2018)
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European 4life Convention
Palacio de Congresos, Valencia (14-16 Feb 2019)
The Multilevel Company 4Life would trust us one more year to organize its European Convention. It was going to be 3 days with participants coming from all over Europe. More than 2,000 people with different backgrounds and needs would gather in Valencia to attend this annual event.
Two stages, 8 languages translating simultaneously and more than 2,000 attendees. Everything had to work like a clock and the participants felt integrated throughout the event.
The key to success in these types of conventions is mainly to anticipate the needs of the client, especially in terms of logistics. A good internal coordination would facilitate the work of InOut, both in transfers and hotels and in the internal organization of the event within the Palace of Congresses.
An impeccable operation in the main arrival stations would make, first, that the attendees were landing in the event in a fluid way, without waiting and with personalized attention. Located in the congress centre, the goal now is to accompany the attendees in their customer journey, offering them receivers in their own language when attending the various conferences. In turn, these meetings were going to take place simultaneously in two scenarios, intercommunicated and interactive.
In summary, a very technological, dynamic and organized event, where our maxim was to customize and place the appropriate gears so that the public felt comfortable, always wrapped.
Everything flows, attendees applaud and the client smiles. We take the satisfaction of a well done job, and the pride of having synchronized perfectly.
Rebranding event
Madrid. (15-16 Nov 2018)
The Hitachi Power Tools Company changes its brand image and it is renamed as Hikoki, for which they asks us to organize a series of presentations and events that publicize its new image. The first place where they would present their rebranding was in Matelec, the International Exhibition of Solutions for the Electrical and Electronic Industry. At night the new image of the company would be presented to its best customers.
The idea was to combine tradition and modernity, identify the brand with a new product on the outside but with the confidence of the years behind it. Therefore, we had to bring the most relevant of Japanese culture to get attention at first, but little by little that new customer journey turned to a renewed and innovative company, with a clean, clear and direct image.
Technology and innovation were the key words of this event, fundamental to understand the evolution of the brand. Through a timeline, the event was going chronologically from the old to the modern, making a simile with the brand and its evolution over the years.
A giant tori with the colours of the brand, Japanese hostesses and sound of traditional drums performing live and coming from the Japanese country framed the scene in the middle of the fair, surprising themselves and others.
After this first contact, a gala dinner where employees, customers and guests would have to go through a time warp and move from tradition to modernity. There, the person in charge of the brand would wait for them, drink in hand, with a Japanese feast, Japanese decoration and an evening full of surprises.
A traditional dance put the finishing touch to the evening. The differentiating touch? It began with a dance of a delicate geisha with traditional clothes and dances of the past, to gradually become a more aggressive boy, dressed in black, making a Kabuki representation that accentuated that transforming character of the brand. The key here was evolution.
En resumen, garantizamos ese efecto Wow! que el cliente tanto anhelaba y dejábamos claro a los asistentes que algo había cambiado, que la marca estaba evolucionando y que todo cobraba sentido en esta realidad que nos ocupa.